Free delivery within Dubai
  • Free delivery within Dubai
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Return Policy

Returns may be processed for the following reasons:
  • Quality: If there is an issue with the quality of the received order and it is confirmed by Bloomsburylane, you may request a replacement product, a different product of the same value, or a full refund. Replacements will only be accepted within 2 hours of receipt.
  • Chocolates: For orders containing chocolates, replacements will only be accepted within 1 hours of receipt.
  • Quantity: If the quantity of items received does not match the order and this discrepancy is confirmed by Bloomsburylane, you may request a new item to compensate for the missing items or a refund equivalent to the value of the missing items.

Dubai: Replacements will be scheduled for the next available delivery slot if the request is made before 6 PM. Orders
received after 6 PM requiring replacements will be processed the following day.

Other Emirates: Replacements will be scheduled for the next available delivery slot if the request is made before 1 PM.
Orders received after 1 PM requiring replacements will be processed the following day.

Address Process: The address entered by the sender at checkout will be considered the confirmed delivery address. The
receiver will not be contacted for address confirmation.

DISCLAIMER: Bloomsburylane is not responsible for refunds or replacements if the sender provides an incorrect address
during the delivery process. Selecting "Call Receiver For Address " may impact the chosen delivery timing, depending on
when the address is provided.

Address Confirmation Attempts:

1. First attempt: An SMS/WhatsApp message will be sent to the receiver's provided number.
2. Second attempt: If there is no response within an hour, we will call the receiver to confirm the address. (Note: Receivers will be contacted between 9 AM and 6 PM).

If there is no response from the receiver during the address confirmation process and it exceeds 48 hours from the time of purchase, the order will be cancelled, and no refund will be issued.

All deliveries are handled by trusted third-party companies that adhere to strict health and safety protocols.

If the address is not provided within the cut-off times for the specified delivery slots, the order will automatically move to the next available slot.
